Sunday, July 25, 2010

The <body> Element

The body element contains all the displayed content of the document. Its parent element is html and it appears after the head element. It can contains block-level elements and the script element.


Apart from the Core Attributes, there are a number of presentational attributes the body can have. However, all the presentational attributes are deprecated in favor of CSS. These deprecated attributes are:

The value of this is a URL of an image which will be used as a tiled background to the entire page
The value of this is a color name or a color specified in hexadecimal notation. This sets the background color of the page.
The value of this is a color name or a color specified in hexadecimal notation. This sets the color of the text in the page.
The value of this is a color name or a color specified in hexadecimal notation. This sets the color of links in the document.
Sets the color of links when they are in the active state.
Sets the color of visited links.

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